$406|1-THE WORST NIGHTMARE I EVER HAD. By Dave Diamond $e0aOne night,many months ago I had dream which turned into the most horrible nightmare I ever thought of. It was simple enough I was going to a zoo,picture it-animals in their cages,the usual hedges and flowers and in the distance was a huge mountain of rocks on which were monkeys calmly going about their daily lives.Now to get to this sight you had to cross a long wooden bridge with a stream beneath it,then the terror took over,as it began to rain where the monkey attraction was,I was viewing the animals when the rain came down burning the flesh off the monkeys. It was gruesome as the fur and flesh slid off to reveal the carcus and intestines of the poor monkey,if this wasn`t bad enough the other monkeys were picking at the flesh of the dead animals and eat it. People observed this and were terrified so they ran,the rain poured on them which also burned and dismembered the humans,frightened and confused the humans thought quickly and jumped off the bridge to go under it for shelter,I was unefected by the rain but screamed as I knew that the rain would go into the water under the bridge and merge with the acid rain-then I woke up. The dream was so realistic as you saw close up shots of the `mutated` monkeys.The most chilling part of this story is that only a few days later the film `outbreak` was released about a monkey with a plague,and of couse not forgeting the super plague that actually happened where people in africa caught a disease where it turned human and animals insides to mush. I had no prior knowlege to either of these events and would not want to re-live them again. End.